A comprehensive review of refugee and asylum studies in contemporary Hong Kong: Law, policies, and lived experiences

A comprehensive review of refugee and asylum studies in contemporary Hong Kong: Law, policies, and lived experiences
Wai Ching Choy
This review covers 46 research studies from 2007 to 2019, which examine the inflow of asylum seekers and refugees in Hong Kong after the Vietnamese refugee influx in the early 2000s. By analysing existing research studies, the authors summarise three themes, namely refugee law, asylum policies,1 and lived experiences of refugees and asylum seekers, on refugee and asylum studies in contemporary Hong Kong. While further research is needed, scholars can examine the potential possibilities of the legal reform of statutory insufficiencies, the development trajectory of asylum policy instruments with a more appropriate framework, and the protection mechanism of refugees’ and asylum seekers’ children.

Publication date

1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2021

Journal title, volume/issue number, page range

Asian Journal of Social Science, Volume 49, Issue 1, Pages 38-48




Social Sciences


Human Rights
Diasporas and Migration