Does government pay attention to the public? The dynamics of public opinion and government attention in post-handover Hong Kong

Does government pay attention to the public? The dynamics of public opinion and government attention in post-handover Hong Kong
Chuanli Xia & Fei Shen
Government response to public opinion is essential to democratic theory and practice. However, previous research on the relationship between public opinion and government attention predominantly focuses on western societies. Little is known about such relationship in nonwestern or nondemocratic societies. Drawing upon time-series data of public opinion polls and government press releases, this study examines the dynamic relationships between public opinion and government attention in posthandover Hong Kong. The findings reveal that the responsiveness of the Hong Kong government to public opinion varies across issue domains and is constrained by the political power from the central government in Beijing.

Publication date


Journal title, volume/issue number, page range

International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Volume 32, Issue 4, Winter 2020, Pages 641–658




Social Sciences


National politics